Bookkeeper Blueprint Plus
Everything you need to take control over your bookkeeping business and land the clients you WANT
Get ready to change that
Wondering where all the clients are that others are signing?
Spending hours upon hours at your computer while taking home next to nothing?
Wishing you had documented processes and procedures so that you remember what you are doing each month or (gasp) could hire?
Overwhelmed by all the conflicting answers you receive in all the groups you are in?
Tired of feeling stuck but not sure what the next step is?
Find yourself saying, "I'm an imposter" after every discovery call?
...when you're also trying to juggle being a mom, wife, friend, employee, volunteer, and take care of yourself -all the things!
....and feel like you don't know were to start and focus that will actually bring you clients.
...while feeling like an imposter, doubting if you can truly help or follow through on the package you are pitching and land the sale!
... We have been where you are in our bookkeeping business. Scared to hit post. Nervous to pick up the phone. Terrified of opening the email from the client. Juggling being moms while meeting client demands. We pushed through and have created businesses that afford us freedom and flexibility we knew was possible in a bookkeeping business. Equip yourself with a team that care as much about your success in your bookkeeping business as you do!
You had a team of bookkeeping coaches who have accomplished big things in their business such as becoming debt free, hitting 6 figures, gaining time freedom, homeschooling children, and so much more, to answer questions, lean on for support, and encourage you in your business.
You had a tailored plan to reach the profits you want with templates and answers at every turn?
You were trained to review the financials you send out to clients and feel confident in the reports you create. Finally having a quality deliverable for the client entrusting you with their business.
You routinely had the time and financial freedom you've been day dreaming of so that you can show up for those most dependent on you.
Bookkeeper Blueprint is the most detailed and easiest to understand of the different bookkeeping programs I have joined. Plus, the cost is unbeatable!
Bookkeeper Blueprint is the most detailed and easiest to understand of the different bookkeeping programs I have joined. Plus, the cost is unbeatable!
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